木曜日, 7月 31, 2008

I know that everyone's waiting in anticipation for the Japan pictures. However, given the enormously large quantity of pictures that I have to resize and upload, they will not be up so soon. (This kinda translates into "They aren't ready yet! So be patient!")

But here are some pictures from karaoke with Jenny and Yvonne on Monday! (They aren't very nice but... they make me feel like I have a social life. Therefore, up they go! *laughs*)

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Us! From left: Yvonne, me and Jenny

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Me and the awesome singer Jen! Yes. I am aware that I look a tad fat.

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The prett, pretty Yvonne and me!

Jen can sing Mariah Carey and Alicia Keys. She is awesome!

Cold cold cold!

*written @ 5:32 午後.

月曜日, 7月 28, 2008

I wanna go home.

*written @ 11:01 午後.

水曜日, 7月 23, 2008
*/ Alvin and the Chipmunks Scene -


*written @ 9:12 午後.


I was looking through a bunch of my old stuff and lo and behold! Guess what I found? I found my primary school report book. *nods* This may sound incredibly stupid but... the moment I opened it, memories came flooding back. Talk about knowing pain at a young age. *laughs*

One of my teachers was mean. No. Not mean. Evil. Pure, strangle a pregnant bunny evil. *nods* She wrote "Aileen should be more courteous in the remarks she makes toward others." *frowns* I can't really remember what I said (It was 7 years ago!), but looking back, I think she deserved whatever I said and more.

Yes. I do enjoy being mean.

Oh. My primary 4 teacher said that "Aileen should adopt a keener interest in her studies." Although I do quite like her, I have to admit that looking at that now makes me think that she's a little deluded. What 10 year old can possibly have an interest in studying? Plus, the subjects I had to do were English, Chinese, Maths and Science. I've had Chinese tuition for about 10 years of my life. Maths... about 5. And I suck at anything involving Science. The only thing I could do was English! *bleah* She said that when I had an 80 mark average on all my subjects! Despite me hating them! Weird.

I should have adopted a keener interest in actually doing badly in the subjects that I needed a non-existant keener interest in.

*written @ 8:22 午後.