月曜日, 9月 29, 2008

Argh. This ridiculous Torts assignment is killing me. And not in a good way. Man... Why did I choose to do this to myself?! WHY?! *bangs head on table* Remember all that complaining I did last semester about my Research and Writing unit? Yeah? Well. My stupid Torts assignment is on language. *rolls eyes* Imagine having to pull apart bits of legislation and having to write 2500 on why it's retarded. *sighs* Well.

It was my choice. So I have to suffer with it. *nods*

Anyway, I decided to compile a list of random science stuff that I remember from 2 years ago. Just to see how much I remember. *laughs*1) Potassium dichromate is purple.

2) Hcl is hydrochloric acid.

3) Everything dissolves in Hcl except for lead and silver.

4) v = f(lumda) (something about waves)

5) Your reflection in the mirror is laterally inverted.

6) Hydrogen extinguishes flames with a "pop" sound.

7) The shorter the string its attached to, the faster a pendulum swings.

8) Everything gives out carbon dioxide when burnt or decomposing.

And... yeah. That's it actually. *laughs*

*written @ 12:40 午前.

土曜日, 9月 27, 2008
*/ Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea Trailer

Ponyo ponyo ponyo ponyo!!!!!

*written @ 8:07 午後.

水曜日, 9月 24, 2008

Picture dump!

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Dawnie's birthday dinner!

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Dawnie and Esther.

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More Dawnie and Esther.

Sachi Sensei's awesome house warming!

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I think it's pretty obvious who's on the couch, so I'll start from the people on the floor. From left: Mari, Celestin, Rachel, Jenny (Don't be fooled by the drink in her hand. She got tipsy on less than half a cruiser. -.-) and Morgaine.

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Same people but with Sachi Sensei beside me! =D She's awesome.

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From left: Mari, Jovis and Natsumi.

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Yes, yes. We took heaps of photos.

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From left: Kyle, Brett and Jenny.

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Ted in Jenny's glasses. He's like half Japanese and half Yugoslavian. How cool is that?!

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The stupid picture that Jenny made Ted and I pose for in her tipsy state. =/ Totally awkward.

I said that I was going to post up the pictures of the cute Japanese waiter, but my phone's camera is so bad that you can't see a thing once the picture is bigger than my phone screen. So... no point posting them. Gomen ne~

*written @ 5:13 午後.

水曜日, 9月 10, 2008

Yes yes. I'm sure everyone has had enough of all my silly video posts.

Is truly not as easy as it seems. I mean, more than 1 billion people in the world drive to place everyday. But! Argh. Driving annoys me. The amount of curbs I mounted is enough to shame me for the rest of my life. Bad bad bad! I am just so glad that my new driving instructor is an angel. He truly is. *nods* Even though I mounted this massive curb today, he didn't scold me at all. My new resolution is not to mount any more curbs! *determined*

I wouldn't want to sit in my car either.

Dawnie's birthday was really fun! We had the most awesome food ever (at some french restaurant in Mandaring)and sang 5 hours of karaoke. Karaoke was so fun! Kelwin was Ken when Florence, Jen and I were singing Barbie Girl. It was hilarious! I'll post up pictures when I'm less inclined to do anything productive.

*sighs* I think I'm under a curse that screams "Do not get back to Aileen on anything! Not even if not getting back to her inconveniences her! Just Don't!" *rolls eyes*

Even though I am not realy prepared to live alone, I cannot bring myself to hound people for their answers. That will bring out an ugly side of me that I really don't care to expose.

On a side note, Esther is moving out on Saturday. I think I'm going to miss her.

On another side note, Sachi Sensei is having a house-warming soon! So excited. *laughs*

Other Japan pictures will be up soon.

*written @ 6:47 午後.

金曜日, 9月 05, 2008
*/ Heeeeeere Fishy Fishy Fishy

Jie asked for it and here it is!

*written @ 12:22 午前.

月曜日, 9月 01, 2008
*/ digimon 1-5 opening theme song

Yes. I am going mad.

*written @ 11:11 午後.

*/ Classic Sesame Street - There Are Chickens in the Trees!


*written @ 10:32 午後.

*/ good bye song

*cries* I wanna go back in time!

*written @ 7:02 午後.

*/ Bear in the big blue house intro

I bet Jie remembers this.

Man... I used drop everything just to watch this. =D

*written @ 7:01 午後.

*/ Gummi Bears

What happened to cartoons like this?

*written @ 6:59 午後.