火曜日, 11月 24, 2009

Well... Since my brain has flopped into some unknown corner, I decide that I shall take a break from the relentless (yes! relentless) amount of studying and write my annual Christmas list! *grins*

As always, my want lists are for fun and not to be taken that seriously. *nod nod* However, presents are never mandatory but always appreciated. =)


1) An Ayumi poster! (She's my idol. *nod nod* Totally wanna be here. Without the blond hair.)

2) Hair straightener/curler. (Man.... I wish my hair would pick a side and stick to it. Not the... *fweew* way it is now.)

3) Sponsor me a cut and colour at Toni and Guy? *cute face*

4) Something by Alexander Wang or Mcqueen.

5) Bling hair accessories! (I'm prolly the only girl who has close to none. Well. Apart from Jie. And I think I wanna cut my hair short again.)

6) Sponsor me a manicure to get insane, bling, long nails? (Or I could do the long bit myself)

7) A new squirty bottle. (The one I stole once upon a time is starting to smell funky)


9) Running shoes. I actually need these.

10) Maybe I should get flat boots. Hm.

11) Sponsor me a Clarin's facial? (It's the sex! I kid you not.)

12) A black pencil eyeliner that actually stays on.

13) Oh oh! Something with feathers!

14) A leopard print furry coat. (I will totally wear it in winter.)

15) A whole stack of Vivi. I'd seriously love that.

Hm. I think that's it for today. =D

*written @ 10:08 午後.

日曜日, 11月 22, 2009
*/ SS501 "Love Like This" MV

this is growing on me.

*written @ 6:05 午後.

水曜日, 11月 11, 2009

As long as it's dark
Somehow, it seems that lately, I've been having a lack of good days.

Yes. I am rather cranky at the moment.

But can you blame me?

I only slept at 2 in the morning and got woken up at 730am by the incessant roaring of a certain car. On a normal day, I would shrug it off and deal with my terrible headache from the lack of sleep but I had an oral exam today. An oral exam in a language that still requires me to remember how to say things like food products. And to sum it all up, I have a splitting headache that advil will not make any better. An apology in return for my pain would have been appreciated. However, it is my belief that that apologies to me are kept in boxes residing in various levels of the underground.

Lately, it just seems like people just go out of their way to pick fights/disagree with me or just choose to be plain inconsiderate to me.

I guess, in a sense, nothing's really changed. I'm still the one undeserving of apologies and being made to take all this crap from other people.

Apparently, I can't just shut myself up and get over it anymore. I can't just decide to not come out of my room for a few days anymore. So I have to learn to talk about it. But somehow, whenever I talk about things that are bothering me (For example: I have a headache which will not go away even after I've taken 4 advil less then an hour apart because of my literal rude awakening), it somehow still turns out to be my fault. And that I'm being severely unreasonable by not informing someone of something or because I'm just perceiving everything in a very negative way.

Despite all the sacrifices I make, the defending I do and the unhappiness I swallow, people still don't appreciate it. I get told things like how I can't be upset because even though I cared enough to make sacrifices I failed to take in consideration what the other person wants.

I don't know. I just... don't particularly want to be here.

I really need a good day to happen.

Fuck. My head hurts.

*written @ 4:01 午後.

月曜日, 11月 09, 2009


1) Being angsty is giving me this massive break out. Need to either kill people who are being irritating or stop seeing them for a bit.

2) House inspection tomorrow. YIKES.

3) I had a dream that when I opened the storeroom downstairs, I let myself into the presence of a dead rat. OMS. I DON'T WANNA OPEN IT ANYMORE.

4) My ideas in action unit is so ridiculous. They actually said in the lecture (which I did not go to) that they're having the exam just for the sake of having the exam. What the hell.

5) I should probably start studying. Soon.

6) Somehow, I can't wait for this year to end.

7) There is absolutely no food in the house.

8) I love that I have a car. *beams*

*written @ 12:43 午後.

木曜日, 11月 05, 2009

Talk about being sensitive
Why is it so difficult for people to leave me the fuck alone?!


Tell me. Tell me why.

I'm just sitting here, minding my own business and someone has to go tag a retarded picture of me on facebook. Which generated a fuck load of spam in my inbox. This is in addition to the picture incident which happened last week.

I'm saying it now. I don't share your sense of humour.

So. Whatever it is, leave me the fuck out of it.

I'm a girl! In case you lot have forgotten. I have feelings. I don't take it well when people find it appropriate to diss me about my origin and my choice of university. Well. Guess what. You wouldn't be able to survive in my country and I can easily get into whatever course you're doing.

So. Fuck off.

*written @ 12:49 午後.