水曜日, 4月 29, 2009
1) One of those big off shoulder tees that can be worn as a dress and a shirt!
2) Shorts. (I'm so sad that WH closed...)
3) Someone to fix my lappie. *sad*
4) Gel eyeliner in many, many colours! *laughs*
5) Berry tint from Benefit.
6) HP printer ink (code 21) *laughs* (It's practical and saves me from going to get it myself)
7) A nissan march
8) Mini cooper! (I will name it Spencer)
9) Hyun Joong/Hyung Joon/Kyu Joong/Jung Min
10) "Wet" tights
11) More skirty skirts! (That aren't that,that short... I'm getting old. Gotta cover up a bit more.)
12) Pink eyeshadow!
13) A better case for my i-touch.
14) A YSL pouchie. (I like the ones that look like envelops!)
15) An electronic Japanese english dictionary
16) My Fair Lady DVD with Audrey Hepburn
17) Wonder Girls CD with So Hot
18) ss501 CD with Lucky Days
19) A classic Chanel bag *sigh* (I will have you someday my love)
20) A hair straightener/curler (I just want one!)
21) The woollen skullie gloves from ANTEPRIMA (SO PRETTY)
22) Lacoste pink perfume
23) Crumpler lappie case!
24) Love from Gwen Stefani Harajuku series
25) Crimson Lipstick
26) The stuper red lipstick from Shiseido
27) Lipliner (if someone gets me e lipstck)
28) Bangles!
29) A Honda Civic
30) Hand and nail cream from Clarins
31) Sakura body butter from Bodyshop
*written @ 10:25 午前.
火曜日, 4月 21, 2009
Maybe it's the stress I've been under, or the current forsaken hour that I am up at. But one thing's for certain- I can feel all my worries seeping back into my head. Yikes.
I had the familar trouble of falling asleep again last night. It was as if my defences had been worn down and the impending unknown was closing in on me. I was (for lack of a better word) terrified.
It's going to be the first time I'm left all alone. That scares me heaps. *nods* (one would have a total psychotic break down but I am far too sleepy to do that right now) That accompanied by the coming camp, assignment due date and my uttermost failure (driving) makes me want to hide.
I know I shouldn't be worrying because it solves nothing. But I can't help it.
*written @ 9:22 午前.

This was taken while waiting for Jie to get to Christmas dinner.
*written @ 12:22 午前.
月曜日, 4月 20, 2009
1) One of those big off shoulder tees that can be worn as a dress and a shirt!
2) Shorts. (I'm so sad that WH closed...)
3) Someone to fix my lappie. *sad*
4) Gel eyeliner in many, many colours! *laughs*
5) Berry tint from Benefit.
6) HP printer ink (code 21) *laughs* (It's practical and saves me from going to get it myself)
7) A nissan march
8) Mini cooper! (I will name it Spencer)
9) Hyun Joong/Hyung Joon/Kyu Joong/Jung Min
10) "Wet" tights
11) More skirty skirts! (That aren't that,that short... I'm getting old. Gotta cover up a bit more.)
12) Pink eyeshadow!
13) A better case for my i-touch.
14) A YSL pouchie. (I like the ones that look like envelops!)
15) An electronic Japanese english dictionary
16) My Fair Lady DVD with Audrey Hepburn
17) Wonder Girls CD with So Hot
18) ss501 CD with Lucky Days
19) A classic Chanel bag *sigh* (I will have you someday my love)
20) A hair straightener/curler (I just want one!)
21) The woollen skullie gloves from ANTEPRIMA (SO PRETTY)
22) Lacoste pink perfume
23) Crumpler lappie case!
As usual... I'll add more stuff when I think of it!
*written @ 1:40 午後.
火曜日, 4月 14, 2009
*/ baby hyun jung nickname (eng)
so cute. MINE.
*written @ 10:41 午後.
日曜日, 4月 12, 2009
Aileen says:
my dad changed all e lightbulbs in e house
so it's super bright
Addie says:
my light in the kitchen fell yesterday..
as in the shade
Aileen says:
poor shade
Addie says:
poor me!!
i had to clean up
Aileen says:
eh! the shade also very poor thing you know!
must spend so long to get painted
and fired/whatever they do to make them
and after all that effort it shatters!
so unsympathetic
Addie says:
it was of no more use
Aileen says:
after all that work it did to
Addie says:
block the light?
Aileen says:
so unappreciative
Addie says:
ok ok
i'll hold a funeral for it..
Aileen says:
yarh yarh
must put tombstone
Addie says:
use a piece of itself..
Aileen says:
i guess that'll work
are you on break this week too?
Addie says:
but lots of things to do..
stupid break that is not a break
Aileen says:
meh. studying sucks
pay to suffer
Addie says:
yup yup
so expensive
Aileen says:
but at least you're not doing anything sciency
that'll be more expensive
and my sis who does OT does her tuts in her underwear
Addie says:
wait wait
at home you mean?
Aileen says:
no no
in uni
freakish right!
Addie says:
in her underwear?
u serious?
no guys looking meh?
Aileen says:
ys:mostly girls lah
cuz must be able to see the movement of e muscles and stuff!
Addie says:
if i knew this earlier i would go for this course..
Aileen says:
Addie says:
you would too wouldnt u?
if all the guys were half naked
Aileen says:
only if the guys were cute AND half naked
Addie says:
you mean like me..
Aileen says:*looks at the poor deluded dude laughing to himself*
sorry ah... but i have standards
Addie says:
whatever la..
Aileen says:
Addie says:
what hentai
you hentai
Aileen says:
i'm not the one who wants to study something just so they can see half naked girls
jon agrees that you're a hentai too!
Addie says:
you are crazy
you talked to him?
you are so nasty
Aileen says:
excuse me!
it's e truth
but yes. i'm quite nasty
Addie says:
yes you are
Aileen says:
so better don't get on my bad side
Addie says:
and you better not get on my back side
Aileen says:
Addie says:
you're mad
Aileen says:
Addie says:
just cause
Aileen says:
where can like that
must have evidence!
Addie says:
do you like cows?
Aileen says:
if they're on my plate with mash, then yes
Addie says:
cows have mad cow disease.. therefore, u are mad.
Aileen says:
but i'm not a cow
Addie says:
but you like cows
ergo, MAD
Aileen says:
but my liking for cows is circumstantial!
Addie says:
therefore, u are circumstantially mad..
What the hell. *laughs*
*written @ 10:54 午後.
My house is currently very clean. *nods* This morning, at about almost 7ish, my Dad was actually cleaning my mirror! O.O Seriously makes me wonder where I get all my laziness from. Although I see the source of all my obsessive compulsive tendencies.
The improvements of my house to date:
1) New shower that you won't actually bump your head against. And not have to experience the rush of freezing water in winter.
2)2 new laundry lines. Papa noticed that I have no space to hang bedsheets.
3) Another Steve! Whose name is Adam.
4) All th lightbulbs are now really bright. It's like we live in the Third Dimension.
5) The kitchen. Is uncharacteristically spotless. It's strange.
6) The light in the corridor now works. Huh. (Of course, someone had to point it out to me before I actually noticed)
If you were wondering (Jie), Dawnie and I dropped off Papa at Bunnings at like 8ish and we're going to pick him up at about 1. I have never seen anyone who loves fixing things that much. On another note, I have gained a significant amount of weight since Papa got here. *laughs*
Heather makes maggie mee in the microwave (SHE INSISTS THAT SHE DIDN'T TODAY), she is truly disgusting. I mean, maggie mee is already unhealthy. Putting it in the microwaves makes it so much worse! I'm surprised she isn't losing her hair yet. *nod nod*
I feel very blessed that God let me have Heather as a housemate. *nod nod* (She just said I was mean) *laughs*
Now I just need to have Chloe and the World will be as perfect as it can get at this moment. Whahaha.
Man. I'm boring.
*written @ 10:17 午前.
水曜日, 4月 08, 2009
*/ 張棟樑-小烏龜 (ktv)
Cute. *laughs*
*written @ 10:34 午後.
It is 945 in the morning and I am up, dressed and sipping a carton of soy milk. Yet, one is far from bright eyed and bushy tailed. ARGHHHH. I want to sleep! But no. I have to sit here and wait for some DHL dude to pick up a package. *sighs*
1) I only have 1 assignment left! *woohoo* But it's one that tests my ability to come up with academic crap. Argh. (Actually. My whole degree is based on me coming up with academic crap. Huh.)
2) Cell is now my main source of fun. *laughs* (Imagine that.)
3) I have discovered a frightening epiphany for guys born on a certain day. Tis freakish.
4) Daddy's coming on thursday night! *beams*
5) I suddenly quite like Zhang Dong Liang.
6) Jie got into the JET program! *squeals* (please feel free to mention that your beautiful youngest sister is available to any cute senior high guys yeah. *laughs*)
7) Can't believe that Papa doesn't know that there are Kripy Kremes in Sydney. (total sacrilege.)
8) Why am I the only one who likes SS501?!
9) Chloe is awesome! *nods in all seriousness*
10) Teddy is mean. *nods again in all seriousness* (Chloe thinks so too!)
11) Why isn't the stupid DHL guy here yet?!
*written @ 9:45 午前.