木曜日, 3月 25, 2010


This may possibly be the sweetest moment ever. =)

Stop this fabulous-ness immediately.

Right. I was flipping through my "friends"(most of them are people whom I've had random occurrences with. I tried to delete them, but they just kept adding me back.) on facebook, and I noticed the amount of seemingly fabulous people I have as "friends".

Well... you know what I mean. There are all these people with studio shot pictures and people who never seem to take a bad photo despite there being a trillion pictures on their profile. Those people who seem to party every day and seem to lead the most fun lives. This is what constitutes the so-called "fabulousness" one uses in this instant.

This is just pissing me off. Do they never take bad pictures? Do these people never have an unglamorous moment?


Argh. Seriously. They just make me feel like my life is very inadequate (which is as far from the truth one can possibly get). But I cannot help but feel annoyed at the fact that I slave away (and will slave away) for ages of my life and there are people (seemingly) leading the stress free life I deserve.

And yet I cannot delete them off facebook because they serve as a silent escape from the dronings of some law lecture.



*written @ 12:40 午前.

月曜日, 3月 22, 2010

I do not understand the appeal of soccer.

Seriously? I don't think I like shopping as much as male human beings enjoy soccer.

They play it as a sport, a video game and watch it whatever chance they get.

I cannot fathom the reason why grown men become a bunch of immature, ill-mannered and uncontrollable...

What's that word....?

Imbeciles whenever they gather together to enjoy a common past time. Well this may not be the exact word that I was looking for, but it does somewhat suit my current purpose.


I'm bored. My head hurts from all the fucking shouting. I cannot go anywhere else. I cannot do any studying because of all the noise.


I pray for someone to save me
From this terrible agony.
I cannot run,
I cannot hide,
Myself away from this chaos.
No sooner would I resign to darkness
Then suffer here alone.

I pray for someone to save me
To take me away from here.
To somewhere with quiet,
With cleanliness
And comfort.

I pray for someone to save me
To protect my poor head.
I do not wish to be here
Please take me home.

I pray for someone to save me.
But alas no one will come.
For the people whom I count on so...
Alas, I can but hope.


*written @ 10:29 午後.

水曜日, 3月 17, 2010


Aileen the mighty and vastly respected is back from her prolonged hiatus.

If you have missed my endless ramblings, I am... what's that word....

Yes. Sorry.

In the time I have been away, I have been to Margaret river (about 5 hours drive from perf), failed a component of the great process of getting my driving license (ALAS. The saga is still ongoing.), had a few panic attacks about my year in Japan, had a few hyperventilations of excitement about my year in Japan and! Burst into tears a couple of times in regards to my currently decomposing epidermis.

I have been surprisingly productive today.

I have finished 5/17 of my ridiculous Legal Theory assignment! WOOHOO! Only 12/17 left to go. -.-

Also, I have recently been immersing myself in the awesomeness of Michelle Phan. She is such a goddess. Seriously. I think I love her more than I love...

scribbing. *nods*

And of course, there was the Plants versus Zombies craze.

Yes. And that's what I've been up to. I don't particularly feel like myself lately- so... instead of being pissed off or nitpicky, I've just been sleeping.

What an uncharacteristic post.

*written @ 6:16 午後.